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"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen

Monday, April 14, 2014


Run your rank
Ride your file
The game's located
on the players'.
On a quiet 70%
just 1.5 of them
from scribble:

This Sidney offers
a 1560 square foot
Crosby with
three penguins
two captains,
a gourmet one,
all new award
and league.

2005 square
Max out
with a 16 foot
drive through
concussion and
in-floor issues.
Pittsburgh with
games and two trophies.
Country seasons,
City pictures.

Refer to the advertising section or the classifieds in your source
newspaper. Create a poem by replacing all of the nouns in your
chosen ad segment or classified listing with nouns from one article
in the same newspaper. You may use multiple ads/classifieds,
presented in the order of your choosing.

Source: Edmonton Journal - Monday April 14, 2014 - took a real-estate ad and changed as many nouns as possible using the first two paragraphs from a sports article in the same edition. The two pieces are re-typed below. I took some liberties when writing the poem; left out some awkward numbers from the real-estate ad, made plurals out of singulars to make the poem flow...I've heard Ouliposts are supposed to be about fun, so today, I had some! (Should probably mention, the title is all mine...a plug for Crosby to win the trophy!)

97 Sherwood Park 922459 T53 Rd. 1560 sq. ft. RUN YOUR BUSINESS - RIDE YOUR HORSE! Property is located on 6.71 acreages on a quiet road just 1.5 km from Sherwood Park. This property offers a 1560 sq.ft. bungalow with three bedrooms, two baths, gourmet kitchen, all new appliances and Hardware floors, a 2400 sq. ft. MAX OUT SHOP with 16 ft. drive through doors, infloor heating, bathroom with shower and two offices. Country living. City convenience. $895,000

Captain kept Penguins afloat this season: Ask the NHL rank-and-file to vote on the game's best player, and I'd say 70 per cent of them would scribble C-R-O-S-B-Y.
     But Sidney Crosby, the superstar Pittsburgh Penguins captain, has one only one most-valuable player award and he's been in the league since 2005. 
      How can that be?You can throw out two seasons when Crosby had his concussion issues in Pittsburgh and only played 21 and 41 games, but that's still only one Hart Trophy in the other six seasons. Alex Ovechkin has three MVPs and Crosby has one. There's something wrong with this picture.

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